For Consideration by Cabinet 17 January 2006
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09
£000 £000 £000
Information Services IS2 Corporate Printing & Photocopying options -6 -12 -12
IS3 Network Savings -15 -15 -15
IS4 Server Maintenance -4 -3 -3
Revenues R1 Structure Review -41 -44 -45
R2 Outsource Council Tax Billing -2 -2 -2
R4 Enforcement Action (re : Return of Financial Information) -6 -6 -6
R5 Electronic Access Return HB Cheques -2 -2 -2
City Contract Services CC2 Bulky Household Waste -24 -25 -26
Engineers E3 Car Parking Options -20 -20 -21
Arts & Events AE1 Delete Vacant Admin Post -17 -18 -19
Economic Development ED4 Business Development - Counselling & Support -9 -9 -9
ED5 Lancashire Film & TV Office contribution -1 -1 -1
ED6 Business Directory distribution -1 -1 -1
ED7 Exhibitions -3 -3 -3
ED8 TIC Commission Hotline -2 -2 -2
ED9 TIC Rationalisation of Stock -5 -3 -3
Leisure L2 Fees & Charges -25 -25 -25
L3 Heysham Mossgate -40
Property Services PR1 Access to Services - Switchboard -18 -18
PR2 Ryelands House - Use of building etc -10 -20 -21
PR3 Charter Market increased stalls -5 -5 -5
-238 -234 -239
City Contract Services Improving Environmental Enforcement Cabinet Min 99 +27 +50 +50
Health & Strategic Housing Civil Contingencies Minimum +14 +14 +14
Memorial Safety  Cabinet 17/1/06 +200
Cemeteries Task Group Cabinet 17/1/06
Administration Democratic Support Officer Cabinet 17/1/06 +36 +35 +36
Human Resources HR7 Training Budgets – Service bids +37
Economic Development ED1  Staffing Implications from exit strategies of externally funded schemes To be reported +6 +58
Leisure L3 Heysham Mossgate (position to be confirmed) To be reported +70 +70
Revenue Implications of Capital Programme
Leisure 06:06 District Playground Improvements : maintenance Current    Estimates +8 +8 +8
Information Services 06:14 EDMS & Workflow +27 +27 +27
City Contract Services 06:07 White Lund Depot Improvements : running costs +5 +5 +5
+354 +215 +268
NET SAVING (-) / COST (+) +116 -19 +29
Please note that some of the above figures are provisional and may be subject to further change.
It should also be noted that there are other Star Chamber proposals being developed.